Join us in welcoming our new Morgan foal, born during a spring blizzard that packed eighteen inches of snow in drifts around the loafing shed. Before we left the barn at the end of the day, Kevin spread straw in the shed and put up panels to make sure the mare stayed out of the weather. The next morning we found a jet black foal trying out a pair of wobbly new legs. We are so happy and proud of the birth of this stud colt. A spring blizzard in the Tetons isn’t rare, and neither is the birth of a foal in a blizzard, but what is rare is that this foal is the grandson of our most loved Morgan stallion, Bessia’s Tendoy Nighthawk. We called him Hawk.

Hawk was such a good-natured stallion, athletic and calm. He never tired of horseback riding in the Grand Tetons. I guess you could say the same for us. The foal’s mother, Legacy, is also a special mare. She was Hawk’s last offspring before he died at age eleven. We hope this little one grows up to be as good-natured a mountain horse as his grandfather.

What would you name a black Morgan foal born during a Teton Valley blizzard whose great great great great grandfather was the famous Morgan stallion Domino Joe? Myrtle Neeley raised Domino Joe at the confluence of Canyon Creek and the Teton River. She described her first home with her husband OJ as one long room, 24 x 14, heated by a cookstove. She said they slept in one end of the cabin and ate in the other!
The birth of a foal is always a happy occasion and so is the naming. Share your ideas for the new foal’s name, and if we choose your suggestion we’ll share with you a day horseback riding in the Tetons.
Happy Trails!
Snow Joe 🙂
Great suggestion Karen…..Thank you!
Stormy Knight
I love “Stormy Knight”. Thanks so much!!
Legacy’s Snowy Knight.
Tetons Stormy Legacy.
How many more tries do we get??? What a beauty!
Hi June!!! As many tries as you like. Think of something that includes Hawk’s name. LOL. Love you!
Hawk’s Legacy
That’s a good one!!!! Kev will like that one….
Little’s Lagacy’s Hawks
Lagacy’s little hawk
He’s a handsome little fellow! Naming is always hard. How about?
Hawk’s Teton Storm
Legacy’s Snowhawk
Borrowing from the Domino Joe lineage, DJ Ice Hawk. The city slickers (like me) will love it.